Why Your Youth Group Isn’t Growing (According to Pope Francis)
Today we break down the apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, or “Christ is Alive”. This 9-part document addresses the Pope’s response to the 2018 synod on the topic of youth and young adults and can help youth group leaders grow their ministries.
It can be grouped into three parts:
- Part 1 (ch 1-4) – Putting Christ at the Center
- Part 2 (ch 5-7) – Applying a Christocentric Worldview to Youth Group
- Part 3 (ch 8-9) – Discernment and Vocation
We each share our number one practical takeaway from the document, and discuss the need for youth ministers to be mentors, brothers, and teachers—not friends.
Snippet of the Show
“Satan’s youth group is so much bigger than ours”
Dave’s Practical Takeaway
“The Church is young when she shows herself capable of constantly returning to her source.” –paragraph 35, Christus Vivit
Youth ministers don’t need to keep up on the latest trends, or be worried about being out of touch, they just need to return to the source, because that is what draws people in.
Gomer’s Practical Takeaway
Pope Francis talks about creating a place where the youth can feel at home, and this is so important to make them feel welcome, and keep them coming back.