Why Questions Are Welcomed in Catholicism (with Dr. Michael Dauphinais)

Why Questions Are Welcomed in Catholicism (with Dr. Michael Dauphinais)

The Ascension Team

Asking questions about God, suffering, and love, has been part of the human condition since the beginning of time. Dr. Michael Dauphinais joins me to talk about about how his new book shows us that the Bible answers many perennial questions that have led countless Catholics away from the faith in recent decades.

Michael Dauphinais, Ph.D., serves as the Fr. Matthew Lamb Professor of Catholic Theology at Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida and holds degrees from Duke University and the University of Notre Dame.

Snippet from the Show

"What is man that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him?" - Psalm 8:5

The Wisdom of the Word: Biblical Answers to Ten Pressing Questions About Catholicism

Why believe God exists, or believe Jesus is God? Why listen to the Catholic Church? Why is the Church so strict about sex? Questions like these have propelled a crisis of disaffiliation and disbelief among Catholics in recent decades. Half of millennial Catholics have turned their backs on the Church, and at many churches, only a minority of parishioners believe in all of its teachings about faith and morality. Building on the call of the Second Vatican Council for a greater appreciation of Scripture, The Wisdom of the Word invites Catholics who are thinking about leaving the Church, or who are confused about elements of Catholic faith and practice, to pause and give the Bible a chance to illuminate their way. From the infighting among the Catholic faithful to the sins of Catholic leaders, and from Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to the Church’s emphasis on caring for the poor, theologians Michael Dauphinais and Matthew Levering explore common challenges to the faith in light of the timeless insights of the Word. “The prayerful reading of God’s Word,” Pope Francis reminds us, ”which is ‘sweeter than honey’ yet a ‘two-edged sword,’ enables us to pause and listen to the voice of the Master. It becomes a lamp for our steps and a light for our path.” Do you, or does someone you know, think that certain elements of the Catholic faith just don’t make sense? If so, the ancient wisdom of God’s Word―sweeter than honey and sharper than a sword―awaits.

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