Why Our Parishes Need Disruptors
It’s not about bringing more people to mass, it’s about bringing more people the love of Christ. Today, Gomer and Dave “Teacher of Teachers” VanVickle explain why our parishes need disruptors in order to grow in evangelization.
“Everything worth having takes effort to keep it going.”
The Parish Box That We Put Ourselves In
We’re asking the wrong questions:
- Maintenance mode for health transformation and not peaks
- We need disruptors - traditionalist entrepreneurs
- Dinosaur Brains
The crisis in Catholicism is far worse than you think:
- 2 out of 15 people do not know or have ever heard of Moses
We do not give children the ability to be saved:
- Start every class with the simple Kerygma
- In the first four weeks of CCD, get everyone on the same page
Practical Takeaways
- Connect doctrinal points to everyday life
- Put the cross in every Church teaching
- Traditional Prayers at the end of class, Charismatic Intercession at the beginning of class
- Intentionally connect each previous lesson with the day’s topic
- Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com
- Text “EKSB” to 33-777 to subscribe and be added to Gomer and Dave’s email list
- Visit Dave’s website at www.thecatholictruthaboutangelsanddemons.com and www.artofevangelization.com
- Visit Mike’s website at www.layevangelist.com
- Previous Episode: “Evangelizing in Diverse Parishes”
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