Who's In Your Spiritual Posse?

The Ascension Team
Something has made a big difference in Jeff’s prayer life over the past month, and he wants to share it with you. Find out how the Communion of Saints can transform your spiritual life and learn tips for developing your own "spiritual posse."


  • If you could have anyone in all of history pray for you, who would it be? If Mother Teresa were alive right now, and you two had tea together, would you ask her to pray for you? — 3:00
  • Jeff talks about meeting Saint Pope John Paul II for the first-time — 4:58
  • “Christianity was never meant to be a solo sport.” Learn about what it means to say that the Church is a family — 6:38
  • How does Jesus share his suffering and intercession with his body? Why does he ask us to pray for each other? — 9:15
  • What is the Communion of Saints? — 9:30
  • A month ago, Jeff put together a spiritual “posse” of five saints, and he works on building a relationship with each of them every day. Each saint is a patron of an area in life where Jeff wants to grow. — 11:10
  • How can you put together your own spiritual “posse?” — 15:00
  • Jeff reveals who is in his “posse” — 23:00
  • Tell Jeff who is in your spiritual “posse”!
Jeff's Jeff's "posse"

We’d Love to Hear from You

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