What Is a Charism and Do I Have Any?

What Is a Charism and Do I Have Any?

Fr. Josh Johnson

To start off a brand new season of Ask Fr. Josh, Fr. Josh Johnson addresses the topic of charisms. Whether or not you have heard about charisms beforet, you may not have a clear understanding of what they are. Or perhaps, you know what they are, but you are not sure how to discover your own charisms. Fr. Josh explains what charisms are, their purpose, and tools for discovering your unique charisms.

Snippet from the Show
We are not created to be self-sufficient. We are created to be in communion and union with other people.

Glory Story (2:10)
Listener Question (6:10)

Hi Father Josh! Long time listener, first time asking a question. I’ve heard you talk many times about the charisms we receive at baptism. How do we go about learning what charism(s) we received? I would love to know what mine is/are, but I have no idea where to start learning how to determine this? Or is it even something that we can know for certain? Thank you for any insight you can give to my question!
(PS: I have a feeling you’ll probably sing my name lol)

Prayer (22:30)

God, give me the grace to accept my place.

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