Want to Evangelize? Tell Your Story!

The Ascension Team
If we want to evangelize, we need to rediscover something that the Early Christians knew very well—that telling stories about how Christ has transformed our lives is what will catch people’s attention. So how do we build a Catholic culture where testimonies play a central role? Tune in to the second episode in our miniseries on Evangelization to hear Dr. Italy’s wisdom on this topic and get practical tips to help you start incorporating more testimony into your ministry. Thinking of someone who would make a good guest on the Ascension Roundtable? Shoot us an email at ascensionroundtable@ascensionpress.com. And if you have 30 seconds, please rate and review us in iTunes. OK...it might take you a full minute—we hope you can spare it! :)

More from Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio:
Make sure to visit Dr. D'Ambrosio's website, The Crossroads Initiative, where you'll find a plethora of free resources to help nourish your faith and supplement the work of your ministry. Check out Dr. D'Ambrosio's recent book on the story of the early Church and the heroes who helped spread the Faith like wildfire: When the Church Was Young: the Voices of the Early Church Fathers.
We’d Love to Hear from You
Do you have comments, questions, or topic suggestions for the Ascension Roundtable hosts? Use the comment box below or email us at ascensionroundtable@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
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