Waiting to Enter the Church, College Greek Life, and Feeling Alone in the Faith

Waiting to Enter the Church, College Greek Life, and Feeling Alone in the Faith

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions about waiting to enter the Church as an RCIA candidate, whether Catholics should join college fraternities and sororities, and what to do if you are feeling alone in the faith and yearning for community.

Snippet from the Show

Before joining a fraternity or sorority examine its roots and fruits. If it was founded by the Freemasons and promotes Masonic rituals, and if they are encouraging sin, then it is not the right fit for a Catholic.

Waiting to Enter the Church

Hey Fr. Josh,

I'm currently going through an RCIA program and look forward to joining the church this Easter.

With that said, I sometimes feel a lot of fear an anxiety about being unbaptized and not in communion with the church.

In a lot of the reading I've done about combating sin or striving for holiness, it seems like a lot of the advice is for people who are already Catholics (for instance, receiving the Eucharist more frequently, confessing more frequently, etc.).

What advice do you have for someone like me who already feels very convicted about the Catholic faith but is unable to fully participate due to being unbaptized and not a member of the church?

Thanks for everything you do.


Fraternities and Sororities

Are being members of sororities and fraternities considered idolatrous? I know most if not all are named with part of it relating to greek gods/goddesses... its called greek life and have heard of the pledging part being unusual and very secretive. Also, what about participation in Mardi Gras organizations? Considering that some of those organizations fall under greek names.


Finding Community

Dear Fr. Josh,

I am a 37 year old cradle Catholic from the Netherlands and the proud mom of a wonderful baby boy.
Over the last ten years (yeah I know) I've been slowly finding my way back to the church. I am now attending mass regularly, have made prayer a part of my daily life and am working up the courage to go to confession for the first time in my life. The journey has brought me closer to God and I am experiencing a profound feeling of peace, because I know God is with me always.

But this is also a very lonely journey. It is extremely difficult to find a practicing Catholic amongst my peers, my family and partner are not religious and a lot of people are downright hostile when they find out about my beliefs, or just think there is something wrong with me. This is very common in my country.
On top of that my fellow churchgoers are all senior citizens and the fellowship I've been craving is nowhere to be found.

I listen to some podcasts and follow a couple of YouTube channels to fill that void, but it's a poor substitute.
My only friends who do believe in God are protestants, as most of the Netherlands is Protestant. I have even thought about converting. Not because I think their way is is the true way to God, but just to not feel so alone in my faith. I just want to share my joy. I could do with some advice. Keep on singing, I love it!



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