Types of Conversion
Are you experiencing a conversion right now? Conversion is something that should be ongoing, but may look different for each person. Using the story of the Prodigal Son, Dr. Sri explains some of the different types of conversion. Dr. Sri provides encouragement so that we can continue turning back to God.
Snippet from the Show
Whenever you are not feeling worthy, know that the Father says to you, “You are my beloved child.”
The word “conversion” comes from the word “metanoia” which means “to turn” or “turn around.” Conversion is meant to be something that is ongoing, a continual choice. Conversion is also more than just turning away from sin. It is a turning towards God.
Prodigal Son - The Younger Son
What are some of the sins committed by the younger son? First, he asks for his inheritance early. He is basically saying that he wishes his father was dead so that he could have his inheritance. He is given his inheritance. Second, he sells the land from his inheritance. This was a horrific action because that land was meant to stay in his family as it had for many generations. He was meant to be the steward of that land. Lastly, he takes the profits from selling the land and enters into a life of debauchery and sin.
When the son decides to return to his father, he is filled with shame. He feels unworthy and unforgivable. It is his intention to be his father’s employee. He is filled with self-hatred and self-condemnation.
Prodigal Son - The Father
The father does not even allow the young son to finish. He celebrates his return. There are two details from this story that reveal the father’s love. First, it says that even though the son was still far away, the father saw him. The father had been waiting and hoping for his son’s return. He had not given up on him. Second, it says that he ran to meet him. In that time, it was unheard of for an older man to run or hurry. Men of that age would have walked slowly and purposefully. However, he ran because of the great love he had for his son.
Turn Away from the Lies You Believe About Yourself
How often do you feel like the younger son felt? How often do you feel unworthy? We must dismiss the lies we believe about ourselves. We must see ourselves as the father sees us. It is not about worthiness because God’s gift is freely given to us.
Prodigal Son - The Older Son
Now we come to the older son. He is the one who did everything right. He was disciplined and never fell into the lifestyle that his younger brother lived. The older son believed that he did everything he needed to do in order to win his father’s approval. He believed he could earn his father’s love. The older son finds his identity in his performance. This son also needs to experience conversion.
Discard Transactional Love
The older son sees love as a transaction. He believes that he can earn his father’s love or earn his father’s approval. Sometimes, we too can live like this. Perhaps, we fall into the belief that if we do x, y and z, we will earn Heaven. If we do these things for God, he will do good things for me. This is not how love works. It is not a transaction. It is a gift freely given. Doing the right thing is important but our value does not lie in what we produce. Our value lies in the fact that we are God’s beloved children.
Upcoming Events with Dr. Sri
- Apr 19-20: St. Paul Center Priest Conference – Lakeway, TX
- Jun 9-10: Diocese of Marquette Eucharistic Congress – Marquette MI
- Jun 23-July 1: Rome Pilgrimage
- July 26-27: Applied Biblical Studies Conference – Steubenville OH
- July 26-28: Defending the Faith conference – Steubenville OH
- Aug 19-20: Fullness of Truth Family Conference – San Antonio TX
- Aug 25-26 – Catholic Men’s conference – Beaumont TX
- Oct 13-15 – Leaders Conference – Malta
- Nov 12-20 – Holy Land Pilgrimage
- Dec 8-10 – Immaculate Conceptions Men’s Retreat – Malvern PA