Hogging the Cashews: Why Do People Bother You?
Does it ever bother you when someone chews ice right next to you, breathes a little too loudly, or hogs all the cashews? Today you will learn how to strengthen your relationship with God by improving your relationship with other people. Become a better disciple and learn how to live and love in the midst of these everyday annoyances that can sometimes drive you crazy. Afterwards, ask yourself, “Is there someone I have a problem with that I can honor today?”
How to Become Less Bothered by Your Neighbor
“Be Devoted to One Another in Brotherly Love” (Romans 12:10)
- Brotherly love refers to the love that exists between brothers & sisters, which speaks of family.
- The term "brother" is used over 230 times in the New Testament. It means from the same womb. Paul’s point is clear: love one another like a family.
“Honor One Another Above Yourself” (Romans 12:10)
- Strive to make other believers look and sound good.
- Rejoice in others achievements and successes.
- It was Jesus who washed the feet of his disciples in John 13:12-17
“Accept One Another, Just as Christ Accepted You.” (Romans 15:7)
- We should not attach “extras” when determining whether we will accept someone.
- Accept them as they are just at Christ accepts you.
- “Greet One Another” (Romans 16:3-27)
“Serve One Another” (Galatians 5:13)
- “Serve one another humbly in love”
- This literally means to become a slave or a servant for another.
- This is why Paul told the Ephesians: Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21).
“Bearing with One Another” (Ephesians 4:2)
- To “bear” means to be tole rant towards other Christians idiosyncrasies, weaknesses and faults.
- It is a clear command to forgive as the Lord forgave us (Colossians 3:12-14).
- This takes a deliberate act of the will.
“Encourage One Another” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
- A life should be judged not on a few efforts or one failure or success, but over a life time.
- Jesus knew that the fulfillment of God’s plan was contingent upon our life for each other and the unity we create (John 17:20-23)