The Spiritual Life of a Priest

The Spiritual Life of a Priest

Fr. Josh Johnson

How do priests pray? Fr. Josh responds to a listener question regarding the spiritual life of a priest and what requirements are placed on a diocesan priest for prayer. Additionally, Fr. Josh shares the story of an unnamed saint to emphasize the importance of a daily Holy Hour.

Snippet from the Show
We have to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Adoration of Christ is imitation of Christ.

Glory Story (2:20)

Listener Question (5:46)

Hey Fr. Josh, I love love love the show. I once discerned religious life with a community many years ago. When I was in that community, we had a very structured rule of life regarding our spirituality. I am just wondering what are the requirements of a diocesan priest regarding his spiritual life.

Saint Story: Unnamed Child Saint from China

The story of this unnamed child saint from China has circulated for many years. It has become so well-known that people have given her a name: Little Li. It is unknown if this truly was her name.

Little Li lived in a village in China. It is believed that she lived in the mid twentieth century during the communist takeover. When she was somewhere between the ages of seven and ten, government troops entered her village and imprisoned her parish priest. During this act, they broke into the Tabernacle and threw consecrated Hosts across the floor of the church.

That night, Little Li returned to the church even though it had been shut down and no one was meant to enter it. She was able to sneak in and there knelt on the floor and made a Holy Hour. At the end of her Holy Hour, she bent over and received the Eucharist by tongue. At that time, people only received the Eucharist by tongue.

There were 32 Hosts on the floor and Little Li continued this practice for a month. On the night when she received the last Host, she was caught and shot and killed by a soldier.

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