The Healing Power of Mercy

The Healing Power of Mercy

There is nothing that is beyond the mercy of God. Sr. Mary Grace, Sr. Ann Immaculée, and Sr. Marie Veritas discuss the unending mercy of God for each one of us as we stumble and fall because of our broken condition. The Sisters remind us that no matter our past, God's mercy is abundant, unwavering, and healing. By clinging to God's divine mercy in our darkest moments, we can experience true freedom.

Snippet of the Show

“ Jesus never accepted the sin. He always accepted the sinner."- Cardinal O’Connor



  • "St. John notes that our Lord said nothing whatsoever to the woman. He didn't even look at her. He stooped down and wrote in the ground. There have been many scriptural interpretations of why he did that, of what he wrote in the dirt. Some say he wrote the sins of the accusers. It seems highly probably that this was simply the compassion, the mercy of Jesus, who didn't want to embarrass the woman by looking at her. Let him among you who is without sin throw the first stone. We are told that each one had to slink away until finally Jesus looked at her and asked, Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you. Then he added those all important words, Go now and sin no more. Jesus never accepted the sin. He always accepted the sinner."- Cardinal O’Connor

  • "God who can't stand seeing anything lost and never lets go.”- Cardinal O’Connor

  • "The greater the sinner, the greater the right he has to My mercy." -Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 723

Challenges of the Week
  • Get yourself a picture of the Divine Mercy and put it in a place where you can see it everyday.
  • Run to Confession in moments of temptation. Let your temptation lead you to your salvation.
  • If there's a particular place in your heart that is leading you to feel unlovable, stuck or trapped in some way, make a simple prayer of entrustment of that place in your heart to Mary. Pray with an image of Mary, particularly the image of our Lady of Czestochowa.
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