The Divine Mercy of Christ
Do you desire Christ’s mercy? As we prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday, Dr. Sri shares examples of Christ’s mercy to St. Mary Magdalene and St. Peter. He shows how closely their experiences can relate to our own.
Snippet from the Show
Remember how gentle and patient Christ is to us in his mercy.
Events with Dr. Sri
- Apr 22-23: Diocese of Victoria Women's Gathering - Victoria TX
- Apr 27: NET Ministries Banquet - Cincinnati OH
- June 15-16: Salt & Light Radio Gala, Boise/Twin Falls ID
- June 22-23: Rome Pilgrimage
- July 27-29: Applied Biblical Studies Conference - Franciscan University/Steubenville OH
- July 29-31: Defending the Faith - Franciscan University/Steubenville OH
- Aug 5-7: Faith on Fire Family Weekend - Anacortes WA
- Sept 23-24: Diocese of Springfield Conference - Springfield MO
The Tears of Mary Magdalene
In the Gospels, it is noted three different times that Mary Magdalene was crying at the tomb. Mary was distressed at the empty tomb and the possibility that the Lord’s body had been taken. She saw this as a reason for worry rather than as a sign that Christ had risen from the dead. She even able to recognize the Lord before her until he called her by name.
The Ascension is Not Goodbye
When Christ ascended into Heaven, it was not him leaving us and saying goodbye. Instead, he ascended so that he could be with us in an even greater way through the Holy Spirit. Once he ascended, the Holy Spirit came down upon the first disciples. By Baptism, that same Holy Spirit lives in us.
Christ Desires Great Things for Us
In a way, Mary Magdalene was clinging to Christ. She wanted to hold onto him and have things stay the way they had been. However, Christ desired something better for her and for all of us. He desired to send his Holy Spirit. This can be true for us in other situations as well. Sometimes, we can cling to things instead of giving our lives over to God. We cling to our plans or our desires instead of giving ourselves over to the will of God.
Peter and Christ’s Mercy
On Holy Thursday night, Peter denied Jesus three times. Now, Peter encounters the resurrected Christ. Christ speaks to Peter and shows him great mercy. He asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?” And Peter responds yes all three times. Christ did not hold Peter’s denial against him. He forgave him and freed him from his shame. Christ desires to do this for you too.