
The Coronavirus and Missing Sunday Mass

Dr. Edward Sri

Today’s special episode reflects on the escalating climate around COVID-19 and provides three concrete actions to take when faced with Sunday Mass cancellations in your area. What should you do on Sunday if your diocese has been affected by the novel coronavirus or your health requires you to self-isolate? Tune in for a step-by-step guide to keeping the Sabbath holy and trusting in the Lord during these times of great uncertainty.

Snippet from the Show:

If COVID-19 has caused your diocese to cancel Mass, these three things can help you keep Sunday holy:

1) Conduct an in-home celebration of the Liturgy of the Word.
2) Prayerfully watch Mass online and participate as if you were there.
3) If you’re healthy and a Catholic church nearby is open, visit Jesus in the Eucharist.

What’s On Your Mind about the Coronavirus?

I’ll be preparing a lengthier show on this topic that will release this coming Tuesday, and I’d love to hear what's weighing on your heart during these turbulent times. Send me an email with your questions and thoughts at

What to Do If You Can’t Go to Sunday Mass:

  • Conduct an in-home celebration of the Liturgy of the Word. For a printable resource from Dr. Sri with more detail, click here.
    1. Sing a hymn
    2. Say the “I Confess Prayer”
    3. Have someone read the readings
    4. Listen/read a reflection on the readings
    5. Profess the Creed and say prayers of petition
    6. Pray the Our Father
    7. Make a spiritual communion. Here’s a prayer to help:

My Jesus,

I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.


  • Watch a Mass online and treat it as if you are at Mass. Make an act of spiritual communion as communion takes place.
  • If you live near a Church that is open (and you are healthy), go visit Jesus!

For a printable resource with more detail, visit Dr. Sri's website.

Tune in to Tuesday's episode of All Things Catholic for more reflections and resources to help you spiritually navigate this time!

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