The Bible, Masturbation, Honeymoon Abstinence, and Holy Communion

The Bible, Masturbation, Honeymoon Abstinence, and Holy Communion

Fr. Josh Johnson
Fr. Josh answers questions about fertile honeymooners, self-gratification, canon law, and the (supposed) decline of morality since biblical times. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!

Snippet from the Show

We don’t want to just imitate Jesus when it is easy, we want to imitate Jesus Christ at all times - in every season of our lives because we trust that we were created for Jesus and that Jesus Christ is enough.

Glory Story (3:25)
In the span of two weeks Fr. Josh survived an attack from the enemy and an attack from a sea creature.
Listener Feedback (10:53)
Honeymoon Abstinence (14:53)
Thanks so much for your podcast. I’ve really enjoyed it thus far; the questions have been off-the-beaten-path and interesting. Unfortunately for me, I think that I am going to add to that mix. My fiancée, Kaitlin, and I are getting married on August 4. We are planning on using NFP in our marriage, but currently anticipate that we will be in Phase 2 (the fertile phase of the cycle) throughout our entire honeymoon. We believe it is in our best interest to wait at least a year to try to conceive, as we are moving cross country to an area with no connections immediately after our wedding. What advice can you give to us to discern what the Lord is calling us to do on our honeymoon? We have been praying for a clear answer from Him for a short while now, but as the big day approaches we are seeking clarity for our own expectations. -Brad and Kaitlin
Masturbation (19:41)
If your husband is unable because of health reasons to fulfill sexual intimacy, is masturbation a sin for the wife? -Hannah
The Bible (29:07)
When reading the Bible, we read about truly horrible things that people did to each other back then. When comparing to the world today, I wonder very often, is the world any better than it was over 2,000 years ago? Do you think, in God’s eyes, we have made any progress? It troubles me a lot sometimes. I have to put it out of my mind and try to focus on my immediate surroundings because I don’t have the answer. -Missi
Holy Communion (31:06)
Can we receive the Eucharist twice in one day? -Jim
Universal Points (32:23)
  1. Honeymoon Abstinence - Discerning God’s will is not always easy, but as long as we are leaning into Christ and open to His grace we will make the decision that is pleasing in His eyes.
  2. Masturbation- We are created to make a gift of ourselves for the other.
  3. The Bible - Sometimes we just don’t know the answers, and it’s okay to admit it.
  4. Holy Communion - For questions about rules of the Church, we can look to the Code of Canon Law.


Meet Your Host, Fr. Josh Johnson:
While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. One day, in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now, Fr. Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in two of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body.

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