Teach Us to Pray

Teach Us to Pray

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Learning how to pray is one of the topics Christians are continually striving to learn more about. In this episode we talk in depth about a couple of forms of prayer and also share some of our personal experiences and insights from our own prayer life. We hope that this conversation blesses you and encourages you to pray and encounter Christ more deeply.

One Thing We Love This Week:

  • Sr. Miriam's One Thing - Her best pals Heather and Michelle!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What tends to distract you from taking time to pray each day? How can you prevent it?
  2. What type of prayer do you find most fruitful in your life?
  3. What is your experience with Lectio Divina?
  4. Do you believe that God wants to speak to you, personally?

Journal Questions:

  1. If you don’t have one, make a prayer plan for each day of your week.
  2. Spend some time in the gaze of God, what do you believe He is speaking to your heart?
  3. Where have you seen God’s truth today? Where did you see a lie?

Quote to Ponder:

"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” - St. Therese of Lisieux

Download the Questions Here

We so excited to announce a new five-episode series on the women doctors of the Church called "Restore the Beauty", beginning Monday, October 22nd, and continuing for four consecutive weeks. We are going to dive into the fire-flaming soul of St. Catherine; the prophet-voice of St. Hildegard; the spicy, reform-minded intellect of St. Teresa of Avila; and the aspiring, wildflower heart of St. Therese.

We have created a prayer journal that you can also purchase as a companion for the podcast series. Each week, the journal focuses on a different saint and her writings. Through Lectio Divina, daily saint reflections, the daily examen, journaling, and listening to the podcasts, readers will engage deeper and be able to pray through the example of these inspiring saints. There is ample space is given for readers to make notes, write musings, and draw creative responses to the graceful reflections of these four saints.

To order your journal or other products inspired by the doctors series, go to www.meaningfulmarketshop.com/collections/doctors

Delivery to US & Canada only.

Digital Downloads will be available for purchase October 15th for all international listeners and anyone else what would like to purchase that format.

Meet Your Hosts
Abiding Together is a weekly podcast hosted by Michelle Benzinger, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Heather Khym. If you would like to contact the ladies of Abiding Together, email: abidingtogether@ascensionpress.com.

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