Ascension Media
Learn from Your Past
In this video, Fr. Mike advises us to dwell in the present and bring into this moment what we learned from the past. He points out that, while it isn't...
Learn from Your Past
In this video, Fr. Mike advises us to dwell in the present and bring into this moment what we learned from the past. He points out that, while it isn't...
Thanksgiving Special-Squanto
Do you know the story of Squanto? It could be seen as a prime example of a life filled with one tragedy after another. But in this special Thanksgiving episode,...
Thanksgiving Special-Squanto
Do you know the story of Squanto? It could be seen as a prime example of a life filled with one tragedy after another. But in this special Thanksgiving episode,...
TV-MA- America's Addiction
Father Mike discusses why our culture is addicted to "mature" content on television. This addiction is a sign of deeper issues facing society. Listen and subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher |...
TV-MA- America's Addiction
Father Mike discusses why our culture is addicted to "mature" content on television. This addiction is a sign of deeper issues facing society. Listen and subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher |...
Father Mike Schmitz discusses the personal renewal that can come from accepting the hardships, tragedies and difficult situations that hit us throughout life. Listen and subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher |...
Father Mike Schmitz discusses the personal renewal that can come from accepting the hardships, tragedies and difficult situations that hit us throughout life. Listen and subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher |...
Is Shyness Your Excuse?
Fr. Mike helps us break down the barriers that may keep us from evangelizing. He points out that the best way to spread the gospel is just by being yourself,...
Is Shyness Your Excuse?
Fr. Mike helps us break down the barriers that may keep us from evangelizing. He points out that the best way to spread the gospel is just by being yourself,...
Season for Everything
The Church in its great wisdom has designed the liturgical calendar with the human spirit in mind. In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz explores the reasons for the seasons in...
Season for Everything
The Church in its great wisdom has designed the liturgical calendar with the human spirit in mind. In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz explores the reasons for the seasons in...