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Is Curiosity a Vice?

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Knowledge is always good, but St. Thomas Aquinas said curiosity—or the fickle pursuit of unnecessary knowledge—can be a vice. What he meant, and what Fr. Mike means here, is that...

Is Curiosity a Vice?

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Knowledge is always good, but St. Thomas Aquinas said curiosity—or the fickle pursuit of unnecessary knowledge—can be a vice. What he meant, and what Fr. Mike means here, is that...

What You Can Control

Fr. Mike Schmitz

If you’re in any kind of situation in your life where you feel you are limited in what you can control, you may not be as chained to your circumstances...

What You Can Control

Fr. Mike Schmitz

If you’re in any kind of situation in your life where you feel you are limited in what you can control, you may not be as chained to your circumstances...

How to Make Decisions Together

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike says the key to making decisions together is distinguishing between preferences and principles. If the reason you’re favoring a choice is a matter of principle, it is your...

How to Make Decisions Together

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike says the key to making decisions together is distinguishing between preferences and principles. If the reason you’re favoring a choice is a matter of principle, it is your...

Reading the "Signs" from God

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike offers the antidote of common sense for the anxiety that often comes after making a big decision. As a campus minister, he sees many students who feel like...

Reading the "Signs" from God

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike offers the antidote of common sense for the anxiety that often comes after making a big decision. As a campus minister, he sees many students who feel like...

How to Handle Spiritual Setbacks

Fr. Mike Schmitz

After reading a book on will power, Fr. Mike discovered an important lesson when it comes to how we handle spiritual setbacks. He noticed how resisting sin is a lot...

How to Handle Spiritual Setbacks

Fr. Mike Schmitz

After reading a book on will power, Fr. Mike discovered an important lesson when it comes to how we handle spiritual setbacks. He noticed how resisting sin is a lot...

Responding to 'Expressing Your Opinion'

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike responds to last week’s episode, “Expressing Your Opinions”, where he said when we speak our mind we need to consider why, what, who, and how. We need to...

Responding to 'Expressing Your Opinion'

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Fr. Mike responds to last week’s episode, “Expressing Your Opinions”, where he said when we speak our mind we need to consider why, what, who, and how. We need to...