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Which Is Better? The Rosary vs. The Chaplet
“What if I don’t have time to pray both The Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet?” Deciding how to spend your time in prayer can be difficult, especially when you’re...
Which Is Better? The Rosary vs. The Chaplet
“What if I don’t have time to pray both The Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet?” Deciding how to spend your time in prayer can be difficult, especially when you’re...
Is It Ever Okay to Give Up?
When is it okay for us to give up? Is it ever okay? You may have seen the movie Rudy. Its eponymous protagonist is a not-so-athletic college football player who...
Is It Ever Okay to Give Up?
When is it okay for us to give up? Is it ever okay? You may have seen the movie Rudy. Its eponymous protagonist is a not-so-athletic college football player who...
The Real Answer to Why God Allows Suffering
Playing a video game called Injustice helps Fr. Mike explain the real answer to why God allows suffering. In Injustice, Superman becomes a totalitarian dictator in his attempt to try...
The Real Answer to Why God Allows Suffering
Playing a video game called Injustice helps Fr. Mike explain the real answer to why God allows suffering. In Injustice, Superman becomes a totalitarian dictator in his attempt to try...

What It’s Really Like to Be a Catholic Speaker
Many people ask Fr. Mike, “How do you become a Catholic speaker?” The quick answer is “Get baptized and start talking.” Of course this implies that you live out the...
What It’s Really Like to Be a Catholic Speaker
Many people ask Fr. Mike, “How do you become a Catholic speaker?” The quick answer is “Get baptized and start talking.” Of course this implies that you live out the...

How to Get Real Friends
How many real friends do you have? Honestly, many people we call friends would probably better qualify as pals or buddies. The first step to getting real friends is to...
How to Get Real Friends
How many real friends do you have? Honestly, many people we call friends would probably better qualify as pals or buddies. The first step to getting real friends is to...

If You’re Not Feeling Loved
If you’re not feeling loved by someone you love, take courage in the story of Leah in Genesis. Jacob, Leah’s husband, did not love her. In fact, what’s even worse,...
If You’re Not Feeling Loved
If you’re not feeling loved by someone you love, take courage in the story of Leah in Genesis. Jacob, Leah’s husband, did not love her. In fact, what’s even worse,...