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Why Love Is More than a Feeling
What if we were to make all our decisions solely based on how we felt in the moment? You may be familiar with the four types of love: eros (love...
Why Love Is More than a Feeling
What if we were to make all our decisions solely based on how we felt in the moment? You may be familiar with the four types of love: eros (love...

A Martyr for the Faith vs. a Victim of Circumst...
What’s the difference between a victim and a martyr? A victim is always described as dying “of” or “from” something. But when you describe a martyr, you talk about what...
A Martyr for the Faith vs. a Victim of Circumst...
What’s the difference between a victim and a martyr? A victim is always described as dying “of” or “from” something. But when you describe a martyr, you talk about what...

Learning Detachment from Your Stuff
Sometimes the things that we own end up owning us. Detachment prevents this from happening. You may have heard of the minimalist movement that focuses on only having the things...
Learning Detachment from Your Stuff
Sometimes the things that we own end up owning us. Detachment prevents this from happening. You may have heard of the minimalist movement that focuses on only having the things...
How to Keep Your Faith Alive and Growing
Why is it easier to fuel our faith at retreats and conferences? Can we have this same fire at home? You can probably reflect on a certain moment or time...
How to Keep Your Faith Alive and Growing
Why is it easier to fuel our faith at retreats and conferences? Can we have this same fire at home? You can probably reflect on a certain moment or time...
Are You Called to Be a Missionary?
Are you called to be a missionary? You may be one already! Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Therese of Lisieux are co-patrons of missionaries, although they lived very different lives....
Are You Called to Be a Missionary?
Are you called to be a missionary? You may be one already! Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Therese of Lisieux are co-patrons of missionaries, although they lived very different lives....

“Is This a Sin?”
If you begin to sin but don’t follow all the way through… is it still a sin? It depends. We’re offered two different scenarios. In one, the person is prevented...
“Is This a Sin?”
If you begin to sin but don’t follow all the way through… is it still a sin? It depends. We’re offered two different scenarios. In one, the person is prevented...