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How to See God in Everything, Everyday (and How...
“It is good to guard the secret of a king, but gloriously to reveal the works of God, and with fitting honor to acknowledge him.” – Tobit 12:7 How often...
How to See God in Everything, Everyday (and How...
“It is good to guard the secret of a king, but gloriously to reveal the works of God, and with fitting honor to acknowledge him.” – Tobit 12:7 How often...

Why Christians Shouldn't Cancel People
How should a Christian react to “cancel culture”? Chances are that if you’ve been on social media or listened to the news in the past year, you’ve heard of “cancel...
Why Christians Shouldn't Cancel People
How should a Christian react to “cancel culture”? Chances are that if you’ve been on social media or listened to the news in the past year, you’ve heard of “cancel...

Going to Confession for the First Time in a Lon...
Learn more about the Pocket Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr. Mike Schmitz and Fr. Josh Johnson. Confession is a place of never-ending mercy and forgiveness and is...
Going to Confession for the First Time in a Lon...
Learn more about the Pocket Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr. Mike Schmitz and Fr. Josh Johnson. Confession is a place of never-ending mercy and forgiveness and is...

Are You Your Own Worst Critic?
Why do we keep critics in our lives? You probably have someone in your life that seems to be on the hunt for anything they can criticize. It might not...
Are You Your Own Worst Critic?
Why do we keep critics in our lives? You probably have someone in your life that seems to be on the hunt for anything they can criticize. It might not...

What Is Real Truth?
What is truth? On this channel, we speak a lot about the teachings of the Church and how our society longs for these truths. But have you ever stopped and...
What Is Real Truth?
What is truth? On this channel, we speak a lot about the teachings of the Church and how our society longs for these truths. But have you ever stopped and...

What Does Surrender Actually Look Like?
What does it mean to say that Jesus is the Lord of your life? We hear this phrase a lot in the Church, that Jesus is the Lord of our...
What Does Surrender Actually Look Like?
What does it mean to say that Jesus is the Lord of your life? We hear this phrase a lot in the Church, that Jesus is the Lord of our...