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The Right Way to Receive the Precious Blood of Jesus at Holy Mass

The Right Way to Receive the Precious Blood of ...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

We believe as Catholics that at every Mass the simple bread and wine are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of...

The Right Way to Receive the Precious Blood of ...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

We believe as Catholics that at every Mass the simple bread and wine are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of...

The Right Way to Receive the Precious Blood of Jesus at Holy Mass

The Right Way to Receive the Precious Blood of ...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

We believe as Catholics that at every Mass the simple bread and wine are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of...

The Right Way to Receive the Precious Blood of ...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

We believe as Catholics that at every Mass the simple bread and wine are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of...

How to Pray a Novena (the Right Way)

Fr. Mike Schmitz

A novena is a special way to pray for a specific intention or grace, such as for a loved one, healing, forgiveness, clarity with a big decision, etc. However, they...

How to Pray a Novena (the Right Way)

Fr. Mike Schmitz

A novena is a special way to pray for a specific intention or grace, such as for a loved one, healing, forgiveness, clarity with a big decision, etc. However, they...

Wish You Had Spoken Up? 3 Things You Need Next Time

Wish You Had Spoken Up? 3 Things You Need Next ...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

You're with a group of friends and they start gossiping about another friend; what do you say? You're with a coworker and they take the Lord's name in vain and...

Wish You Had Spoken Up? 3 Things You Need Next ...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

You're with a group of friends and they start gossiping about another friend; what do you say? You're with a coworker and they take the Lord's name in vain and...

You Can't Take the Cross Out of Your Life

You Can't Take the Cross Out of Your Life

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Sometimes when we look at the lives of the Saints we can be tempted to think that God singled them out to suffer more than most. But maybe that suffering...

You Can't Take the Cross Out of Your Life

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Sometimes when we look at the lives of the Saints we can be tempted to think that God singled them out to suffer more than most. But maybe that suffering...

Struggling to Share the Gospel? Here Is What Is Missing

Struggling to Share the Gospel? Here Is What Is...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

(Today's video/podcast is an excerpt from, "The 99, A New System for Evangelization." To learn more about this amazing resource, visit: Every Christian is called to go into the...

Struggling to Share the Gospel? Here Is What Is...

Fr. Mike Schmitz

(Today's video/podcast is an excerpt from, "The 99, A New System for Evangelization." To learn more about this amazing resource, visit: Every Christian is called to go into the...