Retreat Highs, Fear of Marriage, and Facing An Unplanned Pregnancy

Retreat Highs, Fear of Marriage, and Facing An Unplanned Pregnancy

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions about how to hold on to the graces we receive on retreats once they are over, why young people today shouldn't be afraid of marriage, and how to find courage during an unplanned pregnancy.

Snippet from the Show

If you want to encounter a tangible expression of the love of God, then go find a holy married couple, and if you can’t find any, then become one.


Retreat Highs (5:41)

Many years ago I took part in a retreat though my church. It was a couples oriented retreat and took place over three days. At the end of the retreat I felt the power of the Holy Spirit inside me that I have never felt before. I could feel God’s love inside me wherever I went. I was walking on the clouds. Unfortunately as a parent with a job I wasn’t long before I was back to normal and that feeling only lasted a few days. How do I get that feeling back and maintain it always? I never felt so loved and holy as I did for those three days.

Thanks Father Josh


Fear of Marriage (11:48)

Hi Fr. Josh,

There are many young people today who choose not to get married because they are afraid of broken marriages and family. Why should we as young people fight for marriage and the family? What’s the role of the family in society and in God’s plan for salvation?


Unplanned Pregnancy (16:50)

I was dating a guy who is Catholic and in our first date we talked about our physical boundaries in staying pure. We had a lengthy conversation and he agreed with all of it. A few months into dating, we crossed that boundary. I was so guilty afterwards that i made a point to go to confession at first opportunity. I decided based on other instances that this is not the guy for me. However, after that one time i find myself pregnant. I'm in a financially stable position to have a child but somehow i can't shake this awful feeling that I'm being punished. I want a child but not this way. I know I'm forgiven by God after confession but this pregnancy is a constant reminder of my sin and I'm struggling to see this as a blessing. Am i sinning by thinking this? How do i get over this guilt, shame, and anger? I prayed for a husband, a holy husband, and thought "God helps those who help themselves" so I tried dating even though I didn't want to to make sure I was doing my part. Why did this happen instead? How can I change my perspective on this?


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