Responding to Sin in the Church
Fr. Josh JohnsonHow can I defend the Catholic Church? There are people within the Church who have done horrible things and treated people badly. These people can make others question whether or not they should support and defend the Church. Fr. Josh Johnson responds to this question and shares why Christians should defend the Church.
Snippet from the Show
“The Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.”
Glory Story (1:34)
Question (4:40)
How can we defend the Catholic Church when there is corruption and sin within her?
Saint Story: St. Vincent Ferrer (17:35)
St. Vincent Ferrer was born in Spain in 1357. At the age of twenty-seven, he entered the Order of St. Dominic. He spent years in study and gave lectures on philosophy. When Cardinal Pedro de Luna became pope at Avignon, he assigned St. Vincent to his staff. In his role, St. Vincent made significant efforts to put an end to the great schism. He also put a lot of effort into missionary work. He visited and evangelized many areas in Spain and then continued his efforts in other European countries.
St. Vincent Ferrer died in 1419. His feast day is April 5th.