Quarantine Q’s: Teaching the Faith, Tithing, and Youth Ministry
Today, Dave “Homefool” Vanvickle and I are answering questions from you! This week, we talk about teaching kids at home, tithing, and how to do youth ministry during quarantine.
Snippet from the Show
“People don’t just want to belong, they want to contribute. Belonging makes people feel welcome, but contributing brings them into the mission.”
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Listener Questions:
Teaching the faith to your kids (4:00) from Joseph
How much is too much tithing (13:23) from Jennifer
2 Corinthians 9:7 - “Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
St. Teresa of Avila - “With God I can conquer myself, with God and money I can conquer the world.”
Youth ministry in Quarantine (27:49)
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