Pope Francis, Priests Playing Favorites, and Celibacy

Pope Francis, Priests Playing Favorites, and Celibacy

Fr. Josh Johnson
Fr. Josh answers questions about Pope Francis and the media, priests playing favorites with parishioners, and dealing with celibacy as a priest. If you have a question, comment, or a response for Fr. Josh, email us at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Glory Story (3:01) Who in your life is a near occasion of grace? How can they help you go deeper with Our Lord Jesus Christ? Pope Francis (5:50) I respect the office of the papacy. However, whenever I reflect on the actions of our current pope, I am very disheartened at his lack of remaining true to traditional teachings or to wholeheartedly supporting them. An example would be the controversy about him reportedly stating there is no Hell and souls just disappear. My first reaction is that I cannot trust the report because the source was simply giving secondhand information as to what the pope actually said. However, what I am most dismayed about is that the pope did not concretely come out in a full statement reiterating church teaching on Hell and what happens to our soul. If someone were to accuse me of saying something so controversial, I would immediately come out and refute their statement with the truth. So what I find most alarming as a faithful Catholic, is that the pope did not do that but rather came out with a very confusing message. How do we, or can we reconcile this when in my heart of hearts I believe the pope is wrong? -Mark Priests Playing Favorites (19:05) I think I may be talking from a sad heart. And I realize that priests are humans but I find that many priests play favorites among parishioners. Some get a lot of support in life with their issues and some don’t get any. I was so distraught when my husband of 18 years left me for another woman and the Church wasn’t there for me. How can we address priests on this? -Sarah Celibacy (25:59) As a priest, how do you handle celibacy? Being attracted to people of the opposite sex is so natural. What do you do if you find someone attractive or develop feelings for someone? -Tom Universal Points (31:45)

Meet Your Host, Fr. Josh Johnson:

While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. One day, in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now, Fr. Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in two of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body.

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