Money, Chronic Pain, Discerning the Priesthood

Money, Chronic Pain, Discerning the Priesthood

Fr. Josh Johnson
Fr. Josh answers questions about money, full time jobs and benefits, how to unite chronic pain with Jesus’ pain, and tips for discerning the priesthood. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!

Snippet from the Show

Jesus told St. Faustina: if the angels were capable of envy they would envy us for two things: (1) that we can receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion and (2) that we can suffer with Christ.

Glory Story (2:09)
Fr. Josh had the opportunity to encounter, pray, and listen to his parishioners after blessing their house. He realized that the best way he can serve them is to first listen to the desires of their hearts.
Listener Feedback (5:41)
Money (6:39)
Hello! My name is Mandy. Recently I had a talk with my mom about money, full time jobs & benefits. I think we both disagree about the topic. I always tell her money isn't everything but she tells me that it is. I think more about my spiritual life as she thinks of material things to survive. Am I wrong thinking this way instead? Thank you for your time! -Mandy
Chronic Pain (11:27)
About a year ago, I was diagnosed with a rare muscle disorder with which has come chronic pain and fatigue. I feel called to unite my pain with Jesus’ pain, but I am not sure what prayers and practices I should start with to do this and was wondering if you had any suggestions. -Sarah
Discerning the Priesthood (23:05)
I'm loving your podcast, your answers are such a blessing. Keep doing what you are doing! I'm a 17 year old 11th grader who's struggling to discern God's vocation for me. I feel a possible call to the priesthood, but how do I determine what God wants for me from what I want for myself? What are some signs that it is God who is calling me to the priesthood, and that I have a true vocation to be a priest? -Son in Christ
Universal Points (28:46)
  1. Money - We need to be wise stewards with the gifts that we have received from God so that we can use these gifts to serve God and our neighbor.
  2. Chronic Pain - We are invited to imitate Christ crucified and unite our sufferings with his.
  3. Discernment for Young Men - Take a look at the needs of your community as well as your gifts. How can your gifts best be used to help the people in your community become saints?

Fr. Josh smiling
Meet Your Host, Fr. Josh Johnson:
While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. One day, in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now, Fr.Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in two of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body.

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