How to Know and Do God’s Will
Do you struggle to know and do God’s will? It can be so hard to understand what God wants us to do and it can be even more difficult to do it. Danielle shares five ideas to help you grow in understanding and persevering in God’s will.
Snippet from the Show
Make sure you have room in your daily prayer life for silence.
To go beyond the podcast, join us at the Girlfriends Community, an encouraging and supportive online community for Catholic women from all walks of life.
Make sure you are praying specifically for the grace you need to know and do God’s will. Spend some time thinking about how you approach your relationship with God and ways that he might be calling on you to grow in trust.
We all need more silence in our lives, and if you are trying to discern what God wants, finding ways to insert more silence in your days is a great way to open yourself to hearing his vice with greater clarity.
Other People
Other people, especially those who have legitimate authority over you, can be a way that God speaks to you. Seek advice and direction from people you trust that can play this role in your life.
Or a lack of it! Peace is one of the fruits of embracing God’s will for your life. If you have no peace, that is a sign that maybe something needs to change.
Examine how you feel about God and consider that he might be inviting you to trust more in the goodness of his plan.
Podcasts mentioned in this week’s show:
4 Ways the Surrender Novena Can Change Your Life
3 Ways God Whispers
Books recommended in today’s show:
Searching for and Maintaining Peace and In the School of the Holy Spirit by Fr. Jacques Philippe.
Listener Question (27:57)
At the end of today’s show, Danielle’s share a question from listener Anniina who is considering converting to Cathlicsm but worries about the effect it will have on her family.
Song of the Week
This week’s special song is Banks by NEEDTOBREATHE. A friend recently shared this one, and it speaks to every parent’s heart. “Banks” is what we want to be for our kids!