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How to Face Temptation

The Ascension Team
Fr. Mike uses the classic myths involving the Sirens to explain some ways to avoid temptation. He points out the differences between the ways Ulysses, his crew, and Jason of the Argonauts dealt with the monsters, and he suggests that we use some advice St. Paul gave to the Philippians when it comes to dealing with temptation.

For Further Reading

Sonja Corbitt wrote a great blog post about preparing to face temptation entitled What Christ Means by Purity of Heart.

Check out other Ascension resources featuring Fr. Mike Schmitz:

Fr. Mike’s Ascension Presents Videos Fr. Mike’s new baptism prep program, Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God. I Will Follow a powerful video about Fr. Mike’s Vocation Story. Altaration– The Mass as teens have never seen it before

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