4 Reasons Why You Should Nurture Your Mother-Heart

4 Reasons Why You Should Nurture Your Mother-Heart

Danielle Bean
What is your "mother-heart" and why should you nurture that side of yourself? This week we are diving into a topic that is relevant to every woman, regardless of her state in life. Pope St. John Paul II tells us that every woman is called to be a mother. What does that mean exactly, and how does that apply to our life? I share four reasons why you should nurture your mother-heart, and invite you to share your own thoughts on this important topic.
  1. Because you were made for it.
Every woman's vocation is motherhood. You were made for it.
  1. Because it will make you happy.
Pursuing motherhood, in whatever way that plays itself out in your particular circumstances, will give meaning and purpose to your life and lead to your ultimate happiness.
  1. Because it's important.
John Paul II reminds us that the world needs our motherhood, and that is more true now than ever. The work of mothers is vitally important to every human being.
  1. Because people who tell you otherwise are sexist.
We need to reject the (culturally popular) idea that motherhood is demeaning or "beneath us" and that we must reject WHO WE ARE in order to be happy and successful. This is a topic that is near to my heart, and I hope I have offered you some things to think about as well. Please listen in and then share your thoughts! You know I love to hear from you! Also! Go here for more details about entering the promotional giveaway for the all-new Catholic Momcast! Click here to preview Momnipotent - Danielle's Bible study that helps you find peace, balance, and joy in family living.
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