Five Pillars of Lifelong Conversion

Five Pillars of Lifelong Conversion

The Ascension Team

Do you feel like you are getting comfortable in your faith? There is no plateau in the Christian life, for it is an ongoing pilgrimage of constant learning and conversion. Today, Dave "The Saint" VanVickle and I guide you through the five pillars of metanoia or lifelong conversion, to help you keep running towards Christ.

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The saints show us the marvelous things God is capable of doing through us when we run towards Christ, knowing we can only stop when we have crossed the finish line into his glorious heavenly Kingdom.

Five Pillars of Metanoia or Lifelong Conversion:

  1. That "One Thing" Keeping You From God

    Identify the one thing in your life keeping you from loving God with your whole heart and loving your neighbor as yourself. It could be a habitual sin, a wound, a fear, a vice, or a lie we've believed about yourself that is cutting you off from loving the Lord completely.

  2. Immerse Yourself in Sacred Scripture

    Maintain a strong presence of Sacred Scripture in your life, because it keeps your ears attuned to the voice of the Lord. Make sure you make time for mental prayer with Scripture, especially the Gospels. Scripture should be the heart and soul of your formation because it is ordered towards transformation.

  3. Get Good at Repenting

    Examinations of conscience are mirrors into our spiritual progress. Repenting keeps us humble and attuned to the truth. You can’t change what you don’t know you need to change. It’s also helpful to to have a spiritual director or a regular confessor.

  4. That "One Thing" You Need More Of

    Identify the particular virtue you need to build to get closer to God. What’s the virtue you need the most? Learn about the virtues. Try to work on the virtue you know you need the most. Typically, your virtue will be the opposite of the besetting sin, but not always. View the virtues as stable dispositions of your character, not just “being moral” but flourishing as a whole human person. We got theological virtues to grow in: faith, hope, charity, as well as the moral virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude. We also have the Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Eight Beatitudes. Pray and practice the virtues, because they will bring about real growth in our souls.

  5. Draw strength from the lives of the saints.

    Draw strength from the lives of the saints. God transforms people in ways we never would have expected. The saints inspire us to be imitators fo Christ. They also show us the marvelous things God is capable of doing through us when we run towards Christ, knowing we can only stop when we have crossed the finish line into his glorious heavenly Kingdom.



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