Find Time for You #082

Danielle Bean
We all know the drill about how important it is to "MAKE" time for yourself, or worse yet, "CARVE OUT" some time for yourself as a mom, but let's be honest. It just doesn't always happen. Life just gets in the way. And sometimes, we are our own worst enemies when it comes to finding to time to care for ourselves. This week, I'm sharing four different obstacles many of us face when it comes to finding time for our own pursuits, and some responses we can have to them.

1) Guilt.
Mom guilt is real. Let's talk about how to banish it for good.
2) We don't know what we want.
I share what I think is the #1 thing that gets in the way of us find time for ourselves and putting it to good use.
3) We don't delegate.
It feels like we never have time because we insist upon doing all the things ourselves! Let's talk about how to break this habit.
4) We think it has to be big deal.
Sure, a spa weekend would be epic, but let's talk about some realistic, do-able ways to find the time for refreshment, enjoyment, rest and recreation.
We also hear from listeners Lexy, David, and Sam about podcast encouragement, praying novenas, prayer requests, and marriage help. Thanks for your feedback! It makes my day!
Links to share:
Pray More Novenas podcast
Related Episodes:
Episode #056 What the heck is self-care anyway? Episode #036 Get Rid of Guilt

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The You’re Worth It! Retreat for Women– Find out more about bringing his unique event for women to your parish, group, or community. Read more and request more information here. Find out more about having Danielle come speak to your parish, conference, or group.
Some of Danielle’s Recent Writing:
Danielle’s Blog Her newest book: You’re Worth It! Change How You Feel About Yourself By Discovering How Jesus Feels About You Danielle’s Books on Amazon Catholic Digest
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