Fill Your Mind with Christ (Part 3 on Prayer)

Fill Your Mind with Christ (Part 3 on Prayer)

Dr. Edward Sri

Dr. Sri has shared about scheduling prayer and four keys to prayer. Now, he shares about two popular forms of prayer. Dr. Sri also offers his thoughts on why prayer is important and how it impacts our daily lives.

Snippet from the Show
It is always important to end our prayer with some sort of resolution. We want our time in prayer to spill over and shape our lives.

Ignatian Meditation

In Ignatian meditation, a person is meant to prayerfully imagine a scene from Scripture and then place themselves within that scene. They can ask themselves the following questions as part of the meditation:

  • What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell?
  • Who are you in the scene?
  • What is Jesus saying to you?
  • How do you respond?
Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is Latin for “divine reading.” Lectio Divina is a form of prayer. Using multiple steps, it allows the person praying to enter more deeply into Sacred Scripture and meditate upon it. Below are the four steps to Lectio Divina

  • Lectio - Begin this step by selecting a passage. Read it slowly and become familiar with it. Pay attention to any word or words that stand out to you.
  • Meditatio - Read the passage a second time. Pause on the word or words that stand out to you. Consider their meaning and why they might be standing out to you.
  • Oratio - Respond in prayer. Read the passage again and talk to God about it. Share with the Lord what it means to you. Ask him what he may be trying to say to you through it. Listen for his voice.
  • Contemplatio - Sit with the Lord. Rest in whatever insights, encouragement, or challenges you may have received in prayer. Express your gratitude and love to him.
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