Expect to Be Rattled

Expect to Be Rattled

Dr. Edward Sri

Have you ever set out to do God’s will, but later experienced confusion or discouragement? On location in Rome, Dr. Sri shares the story of St. Camillus and some of the significant challenges he faced. Dr. Sri also points to the examples of many other saints who overcame discouragement, disappointment and other challenges as they pursued the will of God.

Snippet from the Show
When you dare to boldly trust God with your life, anticipate that the devil is going to come and try to rattle you. But remember, you are not alone. The Lord is with you.

St. Camillus

St. Camillus was born in 1550 in Italy. His mother died when he was young and his father was quite absent. He struggled in his young life with gambling and with a disease in his leg that was incurable.

His gambling eventually left him with nothing and he attained a job working at a Capuchin friary. It was there that he began to experience conversion. He desired to be a Capuchin himself but was rejected due to the disease in his leg.

After the rejection, Camillus returned to San Giacomo Hospital for Incurables where he himself has been a patient. He served there for a while before trying once again to enter the Capuchins. He was denied again.

After this second rejection, he returned to San Giacomo and was made superintendent. Later, he was ordained a priest after his friend St. Philip Neri encouraged him to do so. Eventually, he left San Giacomo and founded a new congregation. This congregation worked to care for the sick.

St. Camillus de Lellis is the patron saint of hospitals and healthcare workers.

What to Do in the Face of Trial
  • When you dare to trust God radically, expect that the devil will attack you and that you will face challenges
  • Do not waver. Stay focused on the mission.
  • Remember whatever God entrusts to you, that it is not our work but God’s work. He wants to see it through.

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