Everything Rests on the Resurrection
What is the crux of our faith? Pulling from Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, Jeff shares how the resurrection is the center of our faith and how to understand it better. He also offers encouragement for each of us to prepare for our own death and resurrection.
Snippet from the Show
All of your hope and faithfulness have meaning because of the resurrection.
Division of Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians by Chapter
- 1-4: Divisions Among Believers
- 5-7: Sexual Immorality
- 8-10: Meat Sacrificed to Idols
- 11-14: Proper Worship & Love
- 15-16: Resurrection
The Structure of Paul’s Argument
- Verses 1-11: The Kerygma proclaims the resurrection of Christ.
- Verses 12-19: Denial of the resurrection of the dead negates the Gospel.
- Verses 20-28: Because Christ has been raised, all who belong to him will be raised.
- Verses 29-34: Without the resurrection, hope, suffering, and faithfulness are pointless.
- Verses 35-58: Resurrection means the transformation of the body.
- Verses 35-49: What kind of body is the resurrection body?
- Verses 50-57: Both the dead and the living will be transformed.