Empathy for the Outsider
Without empathy for the outsider, we can’t get very far in evangelization. Today, I share part three of a talk I recently gave at my parish about bringing your loved ones back to Christ. I talk about five mistakes that will keep them away, and five ways to lovingly draw them back.
Snippet from the Show
"The most important part of evangelization is radical, unbending charity. Your child, spouse, friend, sibling, neighbor, or other loved one needs to be listened to and treated with respect."
The most important part of evangelization is radical, unbending charity. Your child, spouse, friend, sibling, neighbor, or other loved one needs to be listened to and treated with respect. We believe that all human beings are made in the image and likeness of God Himself, and thus are fundamentally good.
All fallen humans also have desires and questions, and do make mistakes in responding to those things. Whatever your loved one is doing or saying, they are driven (no matter how deep down) by a desire for the good, true, and beautiful.
“..to desire happiness is nothing else than to desire that one's will be satisfied. And this everyone desires… And thus all do not know Happiness; because they know not in what thing the general notion of happiness is found” - Aquinas, ST I-II. Q5. A8
If you want to lead them back to what is really True, you must first acknowledge their struggles and validate their inherent fundamental good-will.
Five Mistakes That Will Almost Certainly Keep Them Away:
- Force them to go to Mass.
- Criticize their lifestyle.
- Nag them.
- Dismiss their objections.
- Assume you can change them.
Five Ways To Draw Them Into A Loving Relationship (with you):
- Make your love unmistakable.
- Ask for and express forgiveness.
- Take an interest in their hobbies.
- Cultivate a house of hospitality.
- Plant “seed gifts” in their life.
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- The Activated Disciple by Jeff Cavins
- Visit Dave’s website www.thecatholictruthaboutangelsanddemons.com and www.artofevangelization.com
- Visit Mike’s website at www.layevangelist.com
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