“Do You Love Me?”
“Do you love me?” In this special episode, Dr. Sri reflects on the exchange between Jesus and Peter when Jesus asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Dr. Sri reveals some of the deeper meaning within this exchange and how it can pertain to our own lives.
Snippet from the Show
“Go to Jesus as you are.”
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Dr. Edward Sri
Dr. Sri recently announced that he will be taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land November 4th - 12th of this year. For more information, email holyland.edwardsri@gmail.com.
Agape vs. Philia
In John 21, there is an exchange between Jesus and Peter where Jesus asks Peter three times, "Peter, do you love me?" Each time, Peter responds "Yes, I love you." However, if you look at the original text, you will see that there are different meanings to the words that each Jesus and Peter use. The first two times that Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?" he uses the word "agape" for love. This type of love is the ultimate love. It is the love Christ showed for us as he died on the cross. It is the love of God. When Peter responds to Jesus, he uses the word "philia" for love. This type of love is ordinary human love between family and friends.
Jesus Meets Peter
Why is this key information? Well, the third time that Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?" he switches to the word "philia." Basically, what can be surmised is that Peter was admitting his inability to love with "agape" love. In his new found humility, Peter is saying to Jesus, "Yes, I love you but I am not capable of the ultimate love yet." So, Jesus changes how he is speaking and meets Peter where he's at.
Jesus' Prophesy About Peter
After the exchange, Jesus continues on to prophesy about Peter's martyrdom. He explains how sometime in the future, Peter will love with "agape" love. As he continues to learn, grow, and receive the Holy Spirit, Peter becomes more capable of "agape" love. This leads him to a willingness to die for love of Christ.
Dr. Sri on Pilgrimage in the Holy Land
The three following images are from the place commemorating where Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?"
Three stones shaped like hearts to represent the three questions.
Church of St. Peter's Primacy
The Sea of Galilee