Delayed Gratification Is One of the Greatest Markers of Happiness

Delayed Gratification Is One of the Greatest Markers of Happiness

Colin MacIver

Delayed gratification is counter-intuitive. When we’re hungry, we want to eat. Why would we put that off? Because our short term desires are often opposed to our long term goals and ultimate happiness.

For example, it may feel good to eat ice cream right now, but if I keep doing that all the time, my health will suffer. When we put our immediate goods before our long-term goods, we will make ourselves unhappy in the long run.

St. Thérèse’s Little Way is all about this concept. Choose a small sacrifice to offer up and practice delayed gratification to set your eyes on the ultimate goal of heaven.

Click on the player above to listen.

Snippet from the Show

“We sell out our inheritance for what will satiate us for a moment.”

Meet Your Host, Colin MacIver:

Colin MacIver, host of the Tightrope podcast, with his family

Colin is an enthusiastic transplant to vibrant Louisiana, where he lives with his beautiful wife Aimee and two energetic children, Leo and Zélie. His juggling act involves being a husband, a dad, a teacher, a youth minister, a musician and a national Ascension content creator and trainer.

In his spare time, he eats too many crawfish, savors king cake, plays one-on-one kickball with his son, and tries, for the life of him, to properly load the dishwasher.

Check out Colin’s latest work with Ascension: Power and Grace: A Guide to the Catholic Sacraments and Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike.

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