Deciding on the Right Education for Your Children

Deciding on the Right Education for Your Children

Fr. Josh Johnson

How do parents decide what is best for their children when it comes to education? There are a number of different choices and it isn’t always easy to know which is the right one. Fr. Josh Johnson is joined by Deacon Michael Parker to discuss some of the key factors to consider when making decisions about education.

Snippet from the Show

Pursuing the best education for children very often requires sacrifices of their parents.

Glory Story (1:56)

Question (5:21)

How do parents decide how to educate their children?

Saint Story: Venerable Henriette Delille (20:19)

Henriette Delille was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1812. She was born a free woman of color and grew up surrounded by her family. When she was twenty-four years old, Henriette had a profound encounter with God. This encounter directed her to living her life for God and serving his people.

Henriette founded the Society of the Holy Family which served the poor and sick. The work grew as Henriette also founded the Sisters of the Holy Family. Their work grew and extended to care for the elderly.

Henriette lived a very devout and prayerful life. After her death in 1862, Henriette was named a “Servant of God” in 1988 and a “Venerable” in 2010.


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