Dealing with Shame, Bringing Your Kids to Adoration, and Combatting the Power of Evil

Dealing with Shame, Bringing Your Kids to Adoration, and Combatting the Power of Evil

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions about dealing with shame, how to bring your young kids to adoration, and how to combat the power of evil.

Snippet from the Show

“Look at me, I want to rejoice in you, you are my beloved. I see you, I know everything about you, I know what you have done, I know what has been done to you, and I know what you will do in the future. I want you to know that I delight in you, I forgive you, and I love you.”


Dealing with Shame

Hello Father Josh!

Let me start out by saying you are such an incredible blessing to so many! God has truly sent you to help those in need. You are so relatable, and it is wonderful and very encouraging. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
My question or concern is this. A number of years ago, in my 20's, I was at a very low point. I was depressed and searching for what I hoped would be real love. I found myself continuing to make the same mistake repeatedly, by sleeping with these men I'd date sometimes only briefly. I am so incredibly ashamed and disappointed in myself. Though I have confessed these sins on multiple occasions during Confession, I can't ever forgive myself. I do believe God most likely forgives me, but am also deeply afraid of the recourse I will have to pay for these mistakes. I am frightened of the suffering in purgatory, though I know I deserve the consequences and to be made clean before entering Heaven. It was such a sad time in my life, and I shied away from what was right. I am just wondering, does it offend God that I don't forgive myself? Will I suffer immensely for these sins? Can I do anything to earn penance while on Earth? I know we must pay for our sins and that He died for ours. But I can't help but to feel scared of dying because of this. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless you,


Bringing Kids to Adoration

Hey Fr. Josh,

Congrats on your podcast, thank you for your vocation and your ministry, my daughters and I listen to you every chance we get. I’m not if you have addressed this topic before. I’m a mother of 6 beautiful kids, ranging from 22 years old to 10 months. We attend Church every Sunday but choose not to attend holy hour due to our boys’ behavior who are seven and four. When we do go and try to instill in them good behavior and silence it becomes a struggle that we feel disturbs others and definitely distracts the rest of us. We’ve tried so many tactics to get them to behave, but nothing seems to work and I’m afraid they won’t know the beauty of having this opportunity to pray in the presence of Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, while they are still in their formative years. Should we continue to bring them each week, despite their behavior? How much should we Conner ourselves with how others around us feel versus Jesus saying bring the children to me despite of their reactions of those around him.



Combatting the Power of Evil

Fr Josh, this may be a strange question, but why is the devil, Satan, so powerful? God is ALL POWERFUL, why are the works of the devil so powerful? I ask this because my children have fallen away from the Catholic church, actually any faith in God. They were raised Catholic but as soon as they went away to college there was a change. I was so naive, not preparing them for what might pull them away from their Catholic upbringing. It breaks my heart every day that they do not go to church and receive the sacraments. They do not believe in prayer but I keep on praying for them, even if they do not want the prayers; I am most especially asking for St. Monica's intercession. Thank you for your thoughts and advice on this.

God bless you always. Please keep all unbelievers in your prayers.


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