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Cultivating a Life of Prayer

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Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sr. Miriam, Michelle, and Heather discuss their own personal prayer lives and how it has changed through seasons and vocations. They also chat about how to develop a rhythm of prayer, cultivating spiritual disciplines, and how to pray with your spouse.

"Love to pray. Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of himself." -St. Teresa of Calcutta

One Thing We Love this Week

  • Michelle’s one thing - Devotion to the Sacred Heart.
  • Sister Miriam’s one thing - The beautiful hike at Heather’s house.
  • Heather’s one thing - Our friend of the podcast Michael Corcoro.

Discussion Questions

  1. What form of prayer do you find easiest? What is the most challenging for you?
  2. How can you experience the gift of prayer in this season of your life?
  3. What ushers you into the presence of God quickly?
  4. Discuss the idea of a daily conversation with God throughout your day.
  5. If you're married, how can you pray with your spouse this week?

Journal Questions

  1. How is God inviting you to make time with Him?
  2. What is most on your heart right now to speak with God about?
  3. What devotions are you drawn to and why?
  4. What are the things that distract you in prayer?
  5. What spiritual disciplines do you need in your life right now?

Quote to Ponder

“Love to pray. Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God’s gift of Himself” - St Teresa of Calcutta

Scripture for Lectio Divina - Jeremiah 29:12

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

Meet Your Hosts

Abiding Together is a weekly podcast hosted by Michelle Benzinger, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Heather Khym.

If you would like to contact the ladies of Abiding Together, email us at abidingtogether@ascensionpress.com


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