Caring for Our Parents, Harry Potter, and Modes of Receiving Holy Communion
Fr. Josh answers questions regarding a person’s responsibility to care for their parents, whether or not Christians should read Harry Potter, and what are the correct modes for receiving Holy Communion.
Snippet from the Show
"The Word of God must order our steps in our walk to eternity."
Glory Story (2:30)
How Do You Care for Parents Without Neglecting Yourself? (7:19)
Hi Father Josh,
Thanks so much for your show and for your accessibility. I’m always edified by your podcast.
My parents and my one remaining grandparent are aging and needing more and more care. Although I have siblings, I am the one expected to -and honestly, probably the only one willing to- take care of them as they age.
I feel burdened by this expectation and have some resentment already, and we seem to have many years more to go. Please help me understand the balance between the duty to one’s parents and one’s own life. I was to serve cheerfully, but I’m not there.
Should Christians Read Harry Potter? (15:04)
What is the Catholic view on the Harry Potter series?
What Is the Correct Mode for Receiving Holy Communion? (24:09)
Hey Father Josh! I have a question about the Eucharist. Growing up, I was taught to receive on the hand during communion. However, when I went to college, everyone told me I ought to receive on the tongue, because it's more devout. Is there a proper way to receive the Eucharist? Love your show and praying for you always!
- Submit your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh by filling out a form at
- Broken and Blessed by Fr. Josh Johnson
- Pocket Guide to Adoration by Fr. Josh Johnson
- Pocket Guide to Reconciliation by Fr. Josh Johnson & Fr. Mike Schmitz
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