Beyond Damascus
Are you looking for faith opportunities for the young people in your life? Jeff sits down with the leaders of an incredible faith opportunity called Damascus, a Catholic camp for youth. Tune in to hear all about the story, mission, and experience of Damascus.
Snippet from the Show
“This is the first time I heard God speak to me.”
The Activated Disciple 40-Day Challenge
Are you looking for real change this Lent? Are you looking for a structured program to guide you through Lent? Jeff Cavins invites you on a powerful journey to become an activated disciple this Lent. Starting February 25th, Jeff will be guiding you in The Activated Disciple 40-day Challenge through weekly podcast episodes throughout Lent.
As Catholics, we often find ourselves going through the motions. We believe our faith but struggle to put it into practice; we are not the activated disciples we are called to be. An activated disciple is someone who strives every moment of every day to imitate Jesus, someone who desires such a close relationship with God that every area of his or her life is transformed. The Activated Disciple 40-Day Challenge will help you become more like Christ as you cultivate the eight characteristics that are the most important in the life of a disciple:
- Love
- Forgiveness
- Humility
- Patience
- Selflessness
- Kindness
- Attentiveness
- Contrition
As you reorient your life toward Jesus, you will notice the profound transformation a close relationship with him brings. The Activated Disciple 40-Day Challenge will help you take your faith to the next level. In addition to the study, Jeff will guide listeners through The Activated Disciple journey in a series of podcast episodes from February 25th to April 29th. In these episodes Jeff will teach you:
- Biblical foundations of Discipleship
- Daily Disciplines of a Disciple
- How to Developing your Saint Possy
- How to Win Souls
To prepare for this life-changing Lenten journey, purchase your study set of The Activated Disciple
Use the code ADLENT to get 15% off your purchase
Today, Jeff gives a quick introduction to the Activated Disciple series. Next week, we will begin the deep dive into the material. Before then, here are some questions to help you prepare for the Activated Disciple series:
- Are you happy, content, and satisfied with your relationship with Christ?
- If you could change something about your relationship with the Lord, what would it be?
- Do you know the will of God for your life?
- What does the shape of your day look like?
- Are you afraid to talk to others about God?
- Do you enter deeply into the sacraments?
- Do you have a relationship with the saints?
- Do you know anyone who needs to go through this series? Invite them!
Camp Damascus
Damascus is a Catholic youth camp that operates out of Ohio. They offer multiple weeks of camp throughout the summer and even offer events in the winter as well.
“Our mission is to awaken, empower, and equip a generation to live the adventure of the Catholic faith through world-class programs and an environment of encounter.”
Damascus’ main campus is in Ohio, but they have also begun a summer camp in Minnesota. Spots fill up fast, so get your registrations in pronto! You can find out more about Damascus on their website: