a crucifix

Be My Guest: Dr. Edward Sri, the Crucifixion, and St. Joseph

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh and Dr. Edward Sri answer questions about Jesus’ divine nature, why Jesus had to be crucified, and what happened to St. Joseph during Christ’s passion.

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, speaker, and author of several books including his most recent, No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ's Passion. Scroll down to see more resources from Dr. Sri mentioned in this episode.

If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!

Snippet from the Show

He’s so in love with us that he wants to do everything he can to break down any barriers that keep us from him. That’s why he’s willing to come down and enter finite time and space and take on human flesh and even offer it up as a sacrifice for our sins. - Dr. Edward Sri


Glory Story (1:36)

Dr. Sri shares his glory story about snow days and the new movie Captain Marvel.

Listener Feedback (4:58)

Was Jesus Abandoned by God? (15:24)

I am diving more into the Bible than I ever have, and it’s been beautiful. I have always felt, though, that the more I dive into my prayer and study life the more I question and it’s an almost unbelief of “nah ... this can’t be real Audrey.” It’s uncomfortable. It’s unsettling. With this, I am getting unsettled about Jesus. I know Jesus is God, but part of me is confused now. Jesus is God in the flesh, but then we say that Jesus “sits at the right hand of the Father”, Jesus prayed in the garden, he cried out “ABBA, Father why have you forsaken me”, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” Ok. You get my drift. If God is Jesus and Jesus is God, why is he talking to himself? It makes sense that God wanted to show us who he truly is by coming down from heaven, but then the more I read the more it doesn’t add up for me because of the parts of the Bible I mentioned. Should I be this confused and questioning? I feel like I shouldn’t be questioning and I feel guilty and part of me wants to almost stop reading and studying, but I know that’s not good either. Ugh ... I must sound like a hot mess haha I feel like sometimes I get it and other times I don’t. I hope this makes sense.

In short, how do you explain that God and Jesus are the same? Thank you so much for all that you do. And please know that you are ALWAYS in my prayers.


St. Joseph (26:14)

Where was St. Joseph during Jesus crucifixion?


The Crucifixion (29:52)

Why did Jesus have to die such a painful death to redeem us from our sins? Couldn't he have died from natural causes like old age or have died as a baby? Or would that not have worked for some reason?



Want to browse the previous resources Fr. Josh has recommended? Click here to select an episode and view the shownotes.

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