Ask Father Josh: Eucharistic Adoration, Mary’s Perpetual Virginity, Single Moms, and Children Questioning the Catholic Faith
In this podcast episode, Fr. Josh answers questions about what to do in Eucharistic Adoration, why Mary and Joseph did not consummate their marriage, if single moms can practice the Catholic Faith, and how to help children who are questioning the Catholic Faith.
If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Snippet from the Show
“God calls man first. Man may forget his Creator or hide far from his face; he may run after idols or accuse the deity of having abandoned him; yet the living and true God tirelessly calls each person to that mysterious encounter known as prayer.” (CCC 2567)
Glory Story (2:01)
Fr. Josh recalls a class during his formation where he did not trust the professors and therefore prayed during class instead of paying attention. His friend, Monsignor Fitz, found out and had some wise words of wisdom that completely humbled Fr. Josh.
Mary's Perpetual Virginity (12:33)
Hi Fr. Josh! As a Catholic, I believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary, but there are some things I don't fully understand. I get the necessity of her virginity prior to the birth of Christ, but why didn't she and St. Joseph consummate their marriage? Is it that having sex would somehow be in negation to Mary's immaculate conception and sinless nature? Why would having sex with St. Joseph be "sinful" if they were married? Thanks! Love your podcast!
Eucharistic Adoration (20:11)
Thank you for your no nonsense podcast. I will often listen to them on my way into work, which isn’t as good as starting my day with morning Mass but I’ll take what I can get. I enjoy your glory stories and appreciate that you keep it real and I have a question about Eucharistic Adoration I’d appreciate if you could address on your podcast in the future.
When I go to Eucharistic Adoration I feel like I’m either missing something or not doing something right. Not from the aspect of not being present or that Jesus isn’t there, but from the aspect of what should I do while there. Could you walk through what you to do what you or a lay person should do when you go to adoration?
My question is more about the what to do vs. what am I supposed to get out of it. For example, typically I go in bless myself with the holy water then kneel in front of Blessed Sacrament while I say a silent prayer. Then I’ll get up, go to a pew and pray the Rosary and then either read from Scripture, read a book from a Catholic author or lectio divina. When my hour is done I will again kneel and say a silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and exit.
Children Questioning the Catholic Faith (28:04)
Hey Fr. Josh, first and most importantly I have to tell you what an extraordinary blessing you are in my life. I wish so much that I had had a Fr. Josh when I was growing through my critical spiritual developmental years. I'm a cradle Catholic but didn't come to fully see the truth, beauty and goodness of our faith until about 8 years ago and it's the very best thing to have ever happened in my life. You have helped me continue on the right path to Jesus so thank you!
My question for you branches from that. My daughter is 14 and is an amazing human being. But although she's a great kid I can see that she's questioning her faith which isn't necessarily bad. I know we all come to our faith in our own way but I also know at her age it's still my job to guide her towards being a saint. How do I do that without coming on too strong and pushing her away instead of towards Christ? Any assistance or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I pray for you daily in my intentional Rosary and will continue to do so. God bless you for all that you do! Much love!
Single Moms (32:15)
Can I still practice Catholicism as a single mom who's never been married? I have a very strong relationship with my faith but am struggling with the thought of raising a child alone and in the Faith.
Universal Points (34:30)
- Mary’s Perpetual Virginity - Get yourself a good translation of the Bible
- Eucharistic Adoration - Every saint prays differently. The goal is to make sure that you spend time adoring the Lord when you spend time before the Blessed Sacrament.
- Children Questioning the Faith - Check out the Called and Gifted workshop with the Siena Institute.
- Single Moms - Yes you can become a saint!
Broken and Blessed book by Fr. Josh Johnson
Siena Institute - Called and Gifted
Knights of Columbus Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary: Unveiling the Mother of the Messiah book by Brant Pitre
Meet Your Host:
While Fr. Josh was raised Catholic, he didn’t like the Church growing up. One day, in adoration, he fell in love with Jesus and received the call to become a priest. Now, Fr. Josh is the pastor for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Louisiana, and he is a presenter in two of Ascension’s programs: Altaration, and YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body and author of Broken and Blessed.