Where's My Team?
In this episode, Colin and Allen troubleshoot three issues often faced when building a ministry team: 1. “I can’t find anyone to help me” 2. The people who have stepped up aren’t the right people for the job”, and 3. "I’ve got a great people, but my team comes across as “cliquey” to other people who want to join.”
“I can’t get ANYONE to volunteer”
- What about a volunteer who is skilled at recruiting volunteers (recent Confirmation meeting story)
- Where are you looking and how are you asking? (pick the right medium for your target audience? Is the parish bulletin really the most effective way...at least on its own?)
- You may start with a smaller core...but formed properly, volunteers are disciples...and those multiply...like rabbits….
- Consider the stones rejected by the builder
Invite, invite, invite
- We hosted a potluck dinner every couple of years and asked core to invite 1 person who might be interested
- Have core members give testimony at Mass and invite others
- Personally I don’t chase after them. If I have to keep chasing, they’re not ready to serve freely
“I get volunteers, but not the ones I want”
- “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called” Cliche because it’s true?
- Tough...God is designing this
- Counter point: You don’t have to take every volunteer. Sometimes you recommend another way to volunteer
Application model: Cunning and innocent...because it has the potential to set a higher expectation and will often generate “buzz.” it seems exclusive...it means something...it has requirements…
- Don’t be afraid to set the bar high
“My current volunteers act like a highschool clique and it keeps others from joining.”
- There are, in some parishes, groups of volunteers who have a clicky dynamic...the core tends to be exclusive and alienating to an “outsider” who would like to help.
- Don’t be afraid to charitably challenge here. These things can be toxic, but are often the result of decades of oblivion, neglect etc…
- Don’t be afraid to take the brunt of some drama if you challenge a clicky dynamic. (pray and be firm...also strive to affirm what and who can be affirmed)
- How can you train your team to be inclusive and to see their role as multiplicators of the ministry? Are their consistent, practical gut check routines you can go through with them?