A Tribute to My Father

A Tribute to My Father

Jeff Cavins

This episode is a tribute to Jeff Cavins’ late father, Robert E. Cavins, after his passing this week. Jeff reflects on his father's work ethic, faith, and family life as a devout husband and father. Robert had a profound impact on Jeff’s life and the lives of so many others.

Snippet from the Show

Everything my father did for me set the stage for the Lord to work through us.

Obituary for Robert E. Cavins

In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial gift to St. Hubert's Catholic School for math tutoring in honor of Bob Cavins. Make checks payable to St. Hubert's Catholic School, 8201 Main St, Chanhassen, MN 55317 and note on the check "Bob Cavins' memorial"

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