A Practical Approach to Evangelization

A Practical Approach to Evangelization

Fr. Josh Johnson

How are we supposed to evangelize? What does it even mean to evangelize? Fr. Josh addresses this question and encourages all of us to dive more deeply into a life of evangelization. Fr. Josh also shares about a saint who used her profession to evangelize in an extraordinary way.

Snippet from the Show
Whether you are a doctor, teacher, or a stay at home parent, God will use what you do in life to bring others to himself.

Glory Story (2:20)

Listener Question (4:38)

I saw your recent post on social media, Fr. Josh, where you said we are all meant to evangelize. Whether we are priests, nuns, or laity, we are supposed to evangelize at school, work and at home. How do we do this practically?

Saint Story: Blessed Maria Troncatti (12:47)

Blessed Maria Troncatti was born in Italy in 1883. Her childhood was happy and surrounded by family. At a young age, she discovered the Salesian Sisters and the desire to be a missionary began to grow within her. After she turned twenty, she entered the Salesian order.

Although her desire was to be a missionary, World War I interrupted her plans. Throughout the war, she served as a nurse. Once the war ended, she left for Ecuador. In Ecuador, she went with others to the Shuar people. They were met with hostility. However, the chief’s daughter had been shot. They were ordered to heal the girl or be killed themselves. Sister Maria removed the bullet and saved the girl’s life.

Until 1969, Sister Maria traveled throughout the Amazon. She evangelized, established schools and hospitals, and made great efforts to support the people she encountered. When she was eighty-six years old, she was flying on a plane that crashed. She died on impact.

Blessed Maria Troncatti’s feast day is August 25th.

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