4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Are you anxious? Are you worried? If so, know you are not alone in experiencing anxiety. Many of us worry about many things, but God wants better for us—he wants us to grow in trust in him to provide for everything we ever need. And yet it’s hard, and we struggle sometimes with worry and fear. This week, I’m sharing four tools that can help reduce anxiety.
1) Prayer
You might try repeating a short prayer, like “Jesus, I trust in you,” or the Jesus Prayer, especially during times when you are tempted to become anxious. Another beautiful prayer to help reduce anxiety is the Litany of Trust.
2) Scripture
I share the passage from Matthew 6 where Jesus himself reminds us that worry is fruitless and calls on us to trust in God, who loves us and will provide all that we need. When you worry, spend some time reading this passage, or a psalm or other passage with meaning for you, and then quietly pray to grow in trust.
3) Talk about it.
You may need true counseling or therapy to overcome anxiety. If you're not quite ready to go that route or feel like the anxiety you're experiencing is a temporary challenge, it might also be helpful to vent with a good friend, or let your husband know what is on your mind. Others can give you perspective and share your burdens.
4) Exercise
Find a physical way to let off some steam and reduce anxiety that takes a toll on your body. Exercise also boosts your mood and increases your sense of well-being. (I recommend the Peleton app)
I have received so much feedback from all of you about my newest book and the first chapter that I shared with you at the end of episode 210. Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections on the Gift of Motherhood is a book in which I share from my heart about the very real changes, challenges, triumphs, and joys of being a mom in an “emptying nest.” You can read that sample chapter at Ave Maria Press.
My book, You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth, is available for order! Use the code, GIRLFRIENDS to receive ten percent off your order. Don’t miss out on this special available exclusively to listeners of the Girlfriends podcast.
Have feedback or an idea to share? I would love to hear from you!