3 Ways You’re Wasting Your Time (and how to stop)

3 Ways You’re Wasting Your Time (and how to stop)

Danielle Bean

This week we are talking about some ways we waste our time -- and it’s not Netflix! Here are some things you might be doing that are robbing you of joy, along with ways to break these bad habits.

"Worrying is talking to yourself about things you cannot control while prayer is talking to God about things he can control."

  1. Worrying: In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus himself tells us specifically NOT to worry, and yet so many of us do. We spend time fretting about every little thing we cannot control and we make ourselves miserable in the meantime. Instead, we should take those moments where we are tempted to worry, and turn them into a prayer. God is inviting us to grow closer to him and trust.
  1. Complaining: This one goes hand in hand with worrying. How many of us fall into negative habits complaining or always pointing out what’s wrong? This makes you not a lot of fun at parties, but also just an unhappy person in general. Instead, we should take those moments where we are tempted to complain, and turn them into gratitude. Look for small good things to be grateful for (they are all around!) and speak out loud your thanks for many blessings.
  1. Procrastinating: It’s human nature to put off things we don't like to do, but you can overcome this habit. One sneaky way that we sometimes procrastinate is that we do something good and productive instead of the thing we should be doing. You might clean the bathroom when you really need to call your mother-in-law. Instead, practice being open to the Holy Spirit and responding immediately to inspirations of what you ought to do with your time.

At the end of today’s show, I share feedback from listener Abby who is getting married for the first time at the age of 35. She shares some wonderful advice for others who are waiting and looking for love. Let’s pray for Abby who is getting married August 22. May God bless her and her new husband with a lifetime of love!

My newest book is one that I wrote with Dan, the Manual for Marriage, a beautiful resource for every couple. In it, Dan and I share reflective essays on marriage and family life, but it also features a large collection of prayers, Scripture passages, hymns, and stories from the saints that will encourage and support you in your married relationship.

I have received so much feedback from all of you about my newest book and the first chapter that I shared with you at the end of episode 210. Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections on the Gift of Motherhood is a book in which I share from my heart about the very real changes, challenges, triumphs, and joys of being a mom in an “emptying nest.” You can read that sample chapter at Ave Maria Press. (Use the coupon code BEAN20 to get 20% off your order!)

My book, You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth, is available for order! Use the code, GIRLFRIENDS to receive ten percent off your order. Don’t miss out on this special available exclusively to listeners of the Girlfriends podcast.

Have feedback or an idea to share? I would love to hear from you!


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