motivation for new years resolutions

3 Goals to Set for 2019

Danielle Bean

These 3 goals can actually be achieved by those striving for balance in 2019.

It’s that time of year when everyone is thinking about and making New Year resolutions. Are you a resolution-maker? How good are you at keeping your new year commitments?

This week, I want to encourage you to set small goals (you do not have to call them resolutions) in 3 different areas of your life. Rather than focusing on large and lofty goals, I think it’s helpful to consider small changes that are doable in different areas of your life.

Snippet from the Show:

Every year I have that thought in my head: “new year, new you.” Well, what is wrong with old you? We can always set goals to improve ourselves but the goal of completely remaking ourselves isn’t healthy.

3 Goals for 2019

1. Health Goals

Losing weight and eating well are common new year resolutions, but I want to encourage you to set a small, specific goal in this area. Do you want to eat less sugar? Work out regularly? Get more sleep? Choose some small commitment and start there.

My health goal: Eat less sugar, starting with a no-sugar 2 weeks.

2. Spiritual Goals

You don’t have to wait until Lent to take on a spiritual challenge! You might consider going to confession more often, getting yourself and others to a weekday Mass, praying the Rosary more often, or learning a new prayer practice.

My spiritual goal: Pray the Litany of Trust daily (I pray it with you at the end of this week’s show).

Click here for a list of Catholic prayers.

3. Personal Goals

This category is more open-ended than the others. You might have a goal in your marriage or other personal relationship. Maybe spending more one-on-one time with your kids? Maybe scheduling regular date nights? Or your personal goal might be to reach out more in your community, or reach out less and focus more on your family.

Your personal goal might also be work-related. Is there a work project you really want to accomplish in the coming year? Or, in your home, do you want to be more regular with meal-planning or some other area of organization? Spend some time in prayer, considering what might be a good and reasonable personal goal for you in 2019.

Finally, I share feedback from listener Sarah who offers advice to listener Amy who asked for resources that might help her with pelvic floor issues when it comes to exercise. Sarah really recommends the Mutu System, so check it out!

I also share some feedback from an anonymous listener who is looking for marriage ministry that might support her in her marriage, where she is struggling. Please pray for this listener, and all who are struggling in their marriages and seeking support.





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